As part of our new Standardisation process, all tutors are required to apply our mark scheme to some sample scripts.
There are a range of resources depending on the level and subject stream of the course that you are delivering.
All of the resources that you need have been sent directly to you but, if you need to access them again, you can find them below.
“Back to My Own Country”: Windrush, Migration and Belonging in Modern Britain
Digital Literacy: Unravelling the Secrets of the Digital Realm
The American Presidency: Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal
Tackling the Climate Emergency: The Race to Net Zero
Standardisation Booklets
Key Stage 3
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Key Stage 4
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Standardisation Booklets (annotated)
Key Stage 3
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Key Stage 4
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Using The Brilliant Club’s Mark Scheme
Baseline Marking Standards Pack