
Useful resources for Lead Teachers on The Scholars Programme can be accessed here.

Resources to support during your placement

These resources are designed to support you in running the programme at your school and setting your students up for success:

Staff Briefing

We’ve prepared a briefing email, which can be sent to all school staff or heads of department to inform them about your school’s participation on The Scholars Programme.


A Lead Teacher FAQs document can be found here.

The Hub

The Hub is where you will register your students and submit a planning form to help us plan your placement. Here you’ll also be able to see whether students have completed their programme assessments, attended tutorials and logged into their own Hub.

For support on how to use the Hub, click here.

When your placement has been set up, you will be given access to The Hub, which can be reached here

Resources to support after your placement

These resources are designed to help you celebrate your students’ achievements on the programme and share their experiences with your wider school community:

Social Media

It helps us when our Lead Teachers spread the word about The Brilliant Club! We would really appreciate you posting about our work together on your channels. You can find out more here, where you can find template social media posts for you to share and we share template copy and guidance around press releases and website stories.

Newsletter sign-up

Sign up to our newsletter to be informed of upcoming dates of webinars and other Brilliant Club news. 

CPD Webinar series

New for 2023-24, we’ve launched a termly CPD webinar series for our teachers, focusing on a range of topics that are trending in the educational landscape. Webinar guests previously have included Dr Lauren Bellaera, renowned Institute of Education lecturer, Dr Ann McCarthy, Research and Development Director at NACE, and DeepMind. Have a look below at some of our great webinars and stay tuned for the next one!



During the placement

Useful resources for parents and carers, tutors and pupils who are enrolled on a placement can be accessed via this page.


Our other programmes

Join The Dots

Join the Dots is a national programme built on the principles of community, connections and coaching. It brings schools and colleges together with universities to develop networks of support for students during the transition to university. It is targeted at students who are most likely to face barriers in making a successful transition to university, and who are at risk of missing out on the lifechanging opportunities that come from successfully earning a degree from a competitive university. Find out more here.

Parent Power

Parent Power creates parent/carer communities across the UK, each one supported by a local partnership. Through support to develop skills in community organising and advice and guidance on accessing higher education, parents are empowered to make change to support their children’s future and ensure their children have a fair chance in education and their future careers.

The model gathers interest from parents, follows up with one-to-one meetings with interested parents, and then facilitates six weekly group meetings led by a local Community Organiser trained in community organising by Citizens UK. The parents themselves decide what activities will benefit their communities, such as tailored visits to universities for young people, visits from university alumni, or training on tutoring, student finance and university access. Find out more here.