In partnership with collaborating universities, we host research seminars that examine how academic research can be used to inform practices in schools and widening participation. Uniquely, each seminar features a presentation by at least one academic and one practitioner, linked by a central theme.
Details of any upcoming seminars can be found on this page. Below are some examples of topics that we have covered in previous seminars:
Knowing the context: Understanding university access in Scotland
Preparing for the future: 21st century skills
Understanding individuals: Ethnicity and education
Measuring outcomes: Randomised controlled trials and longitudinal studies
Understanding individuals: Looked after children and care leavers in higher education
Understanding individuals: What works for pupils with different abilities?
Preparing for the future: Promoting STEM learning in young people
Knowing the context: Student success from an international perspective
To date, we have partnered with Cardiff University, the University of Sheffield, the University of Strathclyde and UCL to host the seminars. If you are a university and would like to host a research seminar with us, please email Dr. Lauren Bellaera (Research and Impact Director).