Researchers working as Brilliant Club tutors support over 16,000 students every year across our programmes. We partner with 48 universities and DTPs, working with over 400 PGR and ECRs each year.
What’s in it for PGR/ECRs?
94% of our tutors agree or strongly agree with the statement: “I feel confident I could use my experience as a Scholars Programme tutor in future job applications to evidence my skills”.
91% of our tutors agree or strongly agree with the statement “I feel more confident in being able to explain research to non-specialist audiences.
100% of returning tutors agree or strongly agree that they feel better prepared to teach undergraduates.
The public speaking and pedagogical skills I developed through the Programme will benefit my academic career and the personal confidence I gained will be beneficial when applying myself to new challenges in the future.
There are many benefits to becoming a Researcher Development Partner. These include:
If you’d like to discuss partnering with us to support your PGR and ECRs, please email us via the button below.